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A Lesson from my Cheese Plant

by Stacey Marriott – Night Light Cafe Manager

I recently googled the pointy things that are growing out of my cheese plant and discovered that they are called ‘aerial roots’ and grow to latch on to other plants to give support to the cheese plant as it grows. Wow! The cheese plant by design develops its own support structure. How cleverly created.

This made me think about what we can do to develop our own support structures to keep us healthy and growing well. Support networks are such an important part of maintaining good mental health. When I was a young adult I left home and moved to another town where I knew very few people. I didn’t know the importance of support networks at this time and although I did try to make new friends I became very lonely and isolated. I also didn’t drive and so didn’t make much effort to visit home or family. A few years later I had to move back in with my parents after becoming quite unwell mentally, so I really learnt the importance of support networks the hard way. 

The Night Light Cafes exist to provide non clinical mental health support to people who are finding life difficult. We find we become part of some people’s support network, and we signpost people to other groups and services to help them to build up further support for themselves. 

Take a look at the Cheese Plant and have a think about your own support network. 

How do you grow yours? How can you invest your time in making sure it has sturdy attachments to encourage healthy growth?

And if you feel alone and in need of some support, we can offer a listening ear and some company. Have a look at our timetable for opening times of your local Night Light Cafe and come along and have a chat. We like to know you are coming so we can look out for you – you can drop us a message on Facebook @nightlightcafelincoln or email or phone 0300 011 1200