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A Jam-Packed November with Restore!

As the nights draw in, and our thoughts turn towards Christmas, we can often find ourselves worrying about how we are going to afford those little extras this year. Christians Against Poverty have helped thousands of people through their money course, and have now revamped and updated it. We will be running the updated course in the run-up to Christmas and more courses in the New Year.

The new course will be run over 4 weeks, on Tuesdays, from 1pm-2:30pm, starting on 21 November. It will cover the following topics:

Week 1: Getting starting and building your budget

Week 2: Balancing your budget and understanding credit

Week 3: Navigating debt, using your budget, and savings

Week 4: Smart spending and planning your next steps

Everyone who attends the course will get access to CAPs mobile-friendly, online budgeting tool. This is such a needed course at this time, we are really pleased to be able to offer it again.

If you are interested in attending the course, please contact Joy at and she will make sure you are added to the register.

Maybe it’s not just your finances you are wanting to sort out. Maybe you just feel something could be improved in your personal life, but you can’t put your finger on what. Our Life:Ready course is a self-awareness programme that helps you define your issues and do something about them. Two of our recent attendees have made significant positive changes to their lives as a result of attending the course.

Over five weeks, we look at issues of:

Goal Setting, Identity, Sleep and Stress, Physical and Emotional Environments and Healthy Eating.

“Everyone should go on this course!” one of our recent attendees said.

We will be running this course from 9 November, on Thursday afternoons.

Please email Joy on to secure your place.

For those of you overwhelmed by the idea of Christmas, we have one final course which may help you. We will be running two Mini-Wraps in November. This half-day course will give you the space to consider your mental health and ways you can improve it on a daily basis.

Taking the time to stop and consider the things that bring you joy is a simple and powerful exercise that will stand you in good stead for the coming festive season.

We have two dates for this course, both of them in the morning, but you only need to attend one, not both of the dates. Choose between the 9th or the 30th November.

Again, email Joy to let her know you are interested. These courses are filling up quickly, but if there is enough interest, we will add another session in January.

As you can see, we are busy serving you and helping out. If there is something else you’d like to see, please let us know. We will be starting another Job Club in January, as well, so if you want to join that, please let us know. You can email on