Our Restore Programme is designed to empower those aged 18+ to understand and overcome issues of poverty in their lives.
There are five key elements to the programme:
─ Classroom
Learning skills with a group, such as our Life Skills course, budgeting skills using the CAP Money Course, English for Speakers of Other Languages and our Job Club.
─ Community
Creating opportunities for people to connect with others in their community. This includes friendship support groups such as Butterflies (for women) and The Shed (for men), but also supporting refugees to connect with local communities through the Welcome Churches programme.
─ CoachingOne-to-one with a project coach, including a needs assessment using our Restore System which helps connect people to the support they need.
─ ChallengeAn opportunity for people to connect with a work placement or volunteering role as a part of their own personal development.
─ Celebration
At the end of their engagement with us we recognise and celebrate each participant’s achievements.
“ESOL helped to build my confidence. I now feel more free when I communicate with local people.”
“After finding out I didn’t get an interview for a job that I thought would be an easy win, I found that last week’s session on self worth helped me to manage my disappointment and to feel good about myself. Also to keep believing that I have some good skills to offer.”
“ESOL helped to build my confidence. I now feel more free when I communicate with local people.”
The Restore System helps christian organisations and churches to bring together all the projects that they and partner organisations are running into one place so that you can truly support people holistically.
Beneficiaries are guided through a simple questionnaire, which helps to create a bespoke support plan listing all the local projects and initiatives that can help support any needs that have been identified.