Supporting our Lincoln Students
Since opening our Night Light Cafés, we have had the privilege of partnering with BGU University and accommodating some of their students on work placements. Over the years, we have been gifted with some exceptional students, who have brought some much needed support to our guests in the cafes.
Over two years ago, as part of her Masters degree, one of our students looked at how a new cafe for the students could be opened on the campus at BGU and we were so excited that this came to fruition last year, thanks to University team partnering with Alive Lincoln North Church, who have their Sunday services there.
I chatted to Paul Gilchrist who heads up the café there. Paul became the Lead at BGU when he accepted a part-time role as a community worker for Alive Lincoln North.
I asked him about what the journey has been like setting up a cafe on campus?
Initially I had a chat with the Night Light leads and then we met with the Student Union Chief Executive Officer of BGU, in order to discuss times and locations. Finding an appropriate location was tricky because we did not know how many to expect and the rooms were constantly in use by the SU.
In the first few weeks there were a number of changes to the arrangements until we settled on using the 2 downstairs rooms, with signs to indicate where we were and trying to have one room for social activities and the other for confidential conversations. In the first year this worked generally well as our numbers were low – we had a run of weeks in the first term when we had no visitors and then we ended up with a regular group of 3 or 4, with the occasional extra guest.
However, this year has been amazing. Last year’s guests have encouraged others to come, so we now regularly have 10-12 guests and have had to ask BGU for extra space, which they have been really helpful with providing, in the form of one of their common rooms.
Our partnership with BGU has been really good and the trust has really grown. The Student Support Services have invited us to be represented at their Mental Health events on campus and we refer students to each other. They have a twilight mental health support worker on Mon, Wed and Fri, and we encourage guests to use each other’s service.
The cafe is for any student of BGU. We don’t allow people to come from outside BGU – we would encourage them to go to the one at St John the Baptist as that is only a 5 minute walk from us and is available on the same evening.
I asked Paul why he thinks there was a need for a cafe on the BGU campus? BGU is a very caring university. They have in place lots of support for students and this means that students who are a little bit more vulnerable or less confident about university life are often drawn to BGU. They feel safe and supported, so NLC is actually just one part of the excellent support that BGU provides for their students. For them, it just adds to their desire to provide 24/7 care and support. We are another piece of the puzzle.
Paul believes that the cafe is definitely making a difference. It is what it says on the tin. It is a safe place for any student to come, whether they have a mental health need or not. They can meet other students. They don’t have to sit in their room on their own. They can chat, or play games, or just have a cup of tea (or even lactose-free hot chocolate!) Those that are feeling home-sick or those that are not big socialisers can come down and meet a friendly face who will just sit and chat. For some, I think the difference is that it prevents their mental health from deteriorating. So it is a preventative place that, maybe, gives them a bit of a boost, reminds them that they are cared for and that people are interested in them.
Paul and the team are doing such a great job at BGU and we are so grateful to all who volunteer there on a regular basis.
If you would like to volunteer at one of our cafes or connect to get support you can do so by emailing us at Or check us out at @nightlightcafelincoln or Night Light Cafés – Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust