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Volunteers are amazing!

Written by Kerry Robinson.
Lincoln Night Light Coordinator.

The Night Light cafes in Lincoln are open 365 evenings a year that couldn’t happen without our
amazing volunteers. Over the Christmas season the Night Light Cafes remained open, being a warm welcoming space for anyone who may have been in need of some company. I was reflecting on this and
how amazing it is that across the city of Lincoln we were able to offer people who may be finding life difficult a cup of tea and a listening ear.

That would not be possible without our amazing team of volunteers, each person makes such a
difference and I often think they don’t know how special they are. Generosity of others is such a heartwarming thing, our volunteers are so generous with their time and we along with the Night Light guests really appreciate it.

Many people volunteer their time for Acts Trust this may be through Night Light Cafe supporting
those finding life difficult. It may be through the Food bank giving out food parcels to those in
need, stocking shelves in the food bank warehouse, driving the van, or helping with admin.It
could be helping out in the community grocery or cafe, or maybe helping run a wellbeing course.
There are many roles that are being filled by generous people, the work of Acts trust would not
happen without these kind people.

It is so heartwarming to see other people give their time for free, time can be so precious and
giving it to support a worthwhile cause can not only help another person in need but also it can
bring so much to a person’s life.

I asked a few volunteers this question:

What does volunteering bring to your life?
‘Volunteering for the Night Light Cafe has brought me a real sense of community, I have learnt
so much from the training and support guests. It’s one of the highlights of my week!’

‘I really enjoy helping at the Night Light Cafe. The other volunteers are lovely and I enjoy
knowing that I have helped people in need of support.’

‘I love giving my time to support other people. It has given me a new purpose’.

‘I know people get a lot from coming to the cafe and I am happy to help’.

These are just a few positives that people have found volunteering for the Night Light Cafes.
Volunteers really do make a difference and we are always on the lookout for more! If you would
like more information on how you can get involved email:

Maybe you would love to volunteer but just don’t have the time, we get that life is busy! However
if you feel you would like to support Acts Trust in another way we would love to invite you to
become a regular donor. This doesn’t have to be a huge amount, just what you could afford
would be very welcomed. A couple of pounds a month from individuals all adds up.
Regular giving allows Acts Trust to continue to support those in need across the City.

If this is something you would like to do please donate here.