Keeping Cosy on a Budget: Winter Money-Saving Tips

By Simon Hawking

As winter draws near and the temperature drops, many of us are faced with the challenge of keeping our homes warm without breaking the bank. Fear not, we’ve got a few budget-friendly tips up our sleeves to help you keep cosy without a hefty heating bill. Let’s dive into some ways to reduce costs during the chilly months…

  1. Embrace the Warmth of Layers – One of the most delightful aspects of winter is the opportunity to wrap up in layers of cosy clothing. Don’t be too hasty in turning up the thermostat; instead, throw on your favourite jumper, slip into some thermal socks, and don your trusty hot water bottle. Not only will you stay snug, but you’ll also reduce your reliance on central heating.
  2. Block Those Draughts – Winter is notorious for sneaky draughts that find their way through gaps and cracks in your home. To keep the cold at bay, invest in some draught excluders for your doors and windows. These handy devices are cost-effective and can significantly improve your home’s insulation.
  3. Let the Sunshine In – When the sun does decide to grace us with its presence, make the most of it! Open your curtains during the day to let the sunlight naturally warm your living spaces. It’s an easy way to raise the indoor temperature without touching the thermostat.
  4. Efficient Heating – If you must use your heating, ensure it’s working efficiently. Schedule regular maintenance for your boiler to keep it in tip-top shape. Also, consider investing in a programmable thermostat to maintain a consistent temperature and avoid heating an empty house.
  5. Cosy Up with Blankets and Throws – Adding extra layers to your furniture can not only make your space more inviting but also help retain heat. Keep a selection of blankets and throws on hand for snuggling up while watching your favourite British TV shows.
  6. Warm Up with Hot Food and Drinks – Winter is the perfect excuse to indulge in hearty, warming meals and hot beverages. Soups, stews, and cups of tea can provide comfort and warmth. Plus, they’re easy on the wallet when you compare them to dining out.
  7. Seal Off Unused Rooms – If you have rooms that you rarely use, consider shutting the doors and closing off radiators in those areas. This way, you can concentrate your heating efforts on the rooms where you spend most of your time.
  8. Use Electric Blankets Sparingly – While electric blankets are lovely for pre-warming your bed, try not to rely on them too heavily. They can consume quite a bit of electricity if used excessively. Instead, heat your bed and then switch off the blanket before you turn in.
  9. Look for Cost of Living and Energy Efficiency Grants – The government often offers cost-of-living grants and also incentives for energy-efficient home improvements. Check if there are any available that can help you make cost-effective upgrades to your home’s insulation and heating system.
  10. Keep an Eye on Your Energy Provider – Be vigilant about your energy bills and keep an eye on any tariff changes. Consider switching providers if you find a better deal. Loyalty often doesn’t pay off in the world of energy!

There are some warm spaces around Lincoln if you are looking for somewhere to go, stay warm and make friends. You can find info on these here!

If you think you might be struggling with costs this winter, you might want to consider becoming a member of Lincoln Community Grocery.

Please also considering joining our team as a volunteer or even donating to support our work!



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