The Soaring Use of Food Banks
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people turning to food banks for assistance. This rise in food bank usage is a worry.
Tesco Summer Collection
At the beginning of July for three days, we had an army of volunteers in Tesco on Wragby Road and Canwick Hill doing our annual Summer collection. It was a really busy and brilliant three days
An Interview with Ricky
Ricky has been volunteering with Lincoln Foodbank since January 2022. He is part of the Tuesday evening team at the warehouse. I wanted to shine a light on Ricky and let you all know what he’s been up to over the past year..
What’s going on at Lincoln Foodbank…
I wanted to use my opportunity this month to highlight the need and demand for Foodbank and to try and raise awareness. In the month of March Lincoln Foodbank fed 692 people of which 265 were children.
Interview with a Foodbank Guest
With the cost of living continually increasing, many people are having to choose between heating and eating. This shouldn’t be the case but for many people it is. I had a chat with one of our Foodbank guests to find out how Foodbank has helped them.
An Interview with our Foodbank Volunteer; Jemma Collins
Tell me a little about yourself….
Hello! I’m Jemma and I live in Lincoln with my husband Dave and our two boys Eli and Arlo. I’m currently on maternity leave and I go back to work in January 2022. I work for Alive Church in admin and communications.
Tesco Christmas Collection at Lincoln Foodbank
This week over three days, we have been in Tesco on Wragby Road and Canwick Hill doing our annual Christmas collection. It been a really busy and brilliant three days
A Chat with our Thursday Warehouse Team
Thursday is a busy day for Lincoln Foodbank. The Foodbank drivers are collecting donations from different locations across the city, they are also delivering Food parcels to our Distribution Centres. We have many Distribution Centres open giving out food parcels. Dial-a-Ride are out in the afternoons delivering food parcels to those isolating and it’s also a busy day at the Warehouse for the Thursday Warehouse Team.
What Would Make You Jump Out of an Airplane?
By Simon Hoare – CEO of Acts Trust
This year Acts is 15 years old. I remember joining the small team that year in my mid-20’s; we were full of ideas about how we could change the City of Lincoln for good and Make a Difference.
Our Brilliant Team at Hykeham Distribution Centre
By Cat Middleton – Foodbank Project Worker
In April we opened our fifth Distribution Centre, which is located in North Hykeham. When we mapped out what areas of the city Lincoln Foodbank were reaching and how far guest’s were having to travel to collect a food parcel, we decided we needed to plant another Distribution centre in the South of the city to make it as easy as possible for guests to access a food parcel. There are three churches partnering together with a group of volunteers to help run the Distribution centre. Our team leaders Mel and Sheila have done a brilliant job in helping set up the centre and making sure everything runs smoothly.
Sometimes when we don’t know what to say, a hug says enough.
By Cat Middleton – Foodbank Project Worker
Today feels like a BIG day. It’s the day where we are officially allowed to HUG friends and family after a year of social distancing (be sensible!). I love a good hug! It lifts me up and makes me feel ok, so today, whatever situation you find yourself in, if you are ready, hug someone you love.